Board of Directors

Jon Herman


Jon lives in Amesbury and has two sons in the Mite program.

Michelle Forget

Vice President

Michelle lives in Amesbury and has a son in the Bantam program.

Kristin Marroncelli


Kristin lives in Newburyport and has a son in the Squirt program.

Mike Bedard


Mike lives in Georgetown and has three sons in the program at the Bantam, Squirt, and Mite levels.

Rachel Bain

Assistant Treasurer

Rachel lives in Byfield and has a son in the Bantam program.

Sal Begis


Sal lives in Amesbury and has two sons in the Squirt program.

Jon Kulakowski

Dir. Of Fundraising/Public Relations & Equipment Manager

Jon lives in Rowley and has a son in the Mite and a son in the Squirt programs.

Scott Merchant

Asst. Dir. Of Fundraising/Public Relations & Equipment Manager

Scott lives in Salisbury with his family. He has a son in the Peewee program.

Eric Brown

Coaching Director

Eric lives in Salisbury and has two sons in the Mite program.

Brian Chapin

Assistant Coaching Director

Brian lives in Georgetown and has a Squirt in the program.

Keith Belanger

Ice Scheduler

Keith lives in Rowley and has daughters in the Bantam and Squirt programs

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