Learn to Skate / Learn to Play
This is a program for kids ages 3-10 with or without skating experience.
Fall Session - November 2nd through December 21st (8 Weeks) on Saturday mornings 8:00 - 8:50 am
Winter Session - January 4th through March 8th (11 Weeks) on Saturday mornings 8:00 - 8:50 am
We run two programs on the ice each week as described below.
Learn to Skate Program is for kids who are just learning how to skate. This is a new experience for young kids and our goal is to simply get them comfortable on the ice and learn the fundamentals of skating. We use old milk crates to push around the ice for the beginners while they get their balance, and the goal is to have them skate on their own by the end of the session.
Learn to Play Hockey Program is for kids who have completed the Learn to Skate program and are ready to try the game of hockey. Kids should be able to skate on their own, get up off the ice without assistance and have a desire to participate. The coaches will teach skating and hockey skills in a cross-ice environment. This program is perfect to prepare kids for the Mite Instructional Hockey League next fall which is a 3v3 competitive but fun league.
Both programs are run by Jr. Maples coaching staff who do a terrific job encouraging the kids to have fun and learn while being in a supervised environment. All coaches are USA Hockey certified and often have a support staff of high school hockey players and other volunteers to help them on the ice.
Learn to Skate
Helmets - Hockey helmets are strongly recommended however a bike, ski, or skateboard helmet is acceptable as long as it fits tight to the head.
Fitting skates - Figure skates or hockey skates (no double runners) - preferably ones that lace up. Try on skates until the most comfortable pair is found. The closer the fit, the more control. Boots should be snug, giving toes just enough wiggle room without pinching. Feet should be immobile with the heel far back in the boot. A solid support is also necessary because staying upright takes a considerable amount of strength.
Gloves and mittens - They’re not just to keep your hands warm; they protect hands as skaters learn to fall and stand back up.
Clothing - Comfort and the ability to move about freely is an absolute must for new skaters. Plenty of layers along with a jacket should be worn. While it’s easy to assume it’s warmer indoors, arenas do keep thermostats set at a brisk 50 degrees. (Full hockey gear, elbow pads, and knee pads are not necessary but if your new skater has gear, feel free to wear it)
Learn to Play Hockey
This program requires the following hockey equipment. Visit our resources page for tips on how to get your new hockey player dressed in their new gear. New Hockey Parents
- HECC Hockey Helmet
- Jersey
- Skates
- Shin Guards
- Hockey Pants
- Shoulder Pads
- Elbow Pads
- Gloves
- Stick
- Jock/Cup
2024-2025 Winter Session
Registration for our 2024-2025 Learn to Skate/Learn to Play Hockey (Winter Session) is now open!
The cost is $200/player. The Program will run from 1/4/2025 – 3/8/2025 (11 Weeks) 8AM at the Graf Rink in Newburyport.
Siblings will receive a $50 discount. Please enter the discount code "Sibling" when registering the second or third child.